Surprise! Surprise! For a goodly portion of my life, I have considered starting my own business. My gosh,
the possibilities were endless. At one point I thought about writing a book...any sort actually, mystery, animals,
fiction, non-fiction, children's, autobiography. Well, several attempts were made; however, my focus did not stay.
I have a goodly number "in the works", so there is still time to complete that desire. Wow, I could even combine
them all...could be a best seller, theatre presentation, movie, mini-series. See, the focus shifts.

I have been taught, self-taught, stumbled upon and enjoyed a huge number of hobbies. I enjoyed teaching many of
these hobbies to friends and family, modifying the hobbies to fit my desires or needs and even told myself that
some were not within my realm of concentration or desire. Yes, I CAN make decisions. My Mother was my first
perfect focus in hobbying and crafting. She patiently taught me how to sew. Home economics (yes, I am old enough
to have actually had that class in school) was not really a strain because my Mother, as most Mothers in the day,
had taken the time and EXTREME patience to get the basics into my head. In addition to sewing came knitting and
crocheting. My first sweater was bright orange, and I wore it with such pride. I had a hot pink shift with
orange pompom flowers that just went together perfectly. Sweaters and such are rewarding to create, but usually
take a goodly bit of time, especially adult sizes.

I was in the United States Navy for 10.5 years. One of my smartest decisions. I enjoyed my duties, but also had
enough free time to enjoy my time at the base Hobby Shops and learn from others. Expanding beyond my sewing, and
yarn crafts, I learned about pottery and ceramics. Can you guess what most of my friends and family received for
Christmas gifts THAT year? I taught myself about plastercrafting. I didn't like the larger items because they
reminded me of pottery and ceramics. I chose to target smaller items, many of which were made using the plastic
candy molds that were a perfect size for creating magnets and pins. I feel certain that I must have had 200 molds
by the time I determined that I had covered nearly every interest and special event. I was able to fall back on
plastercrafting for some income when I had to quit working to care for my husband. I had no idea that folks were
really interested in buying my crafts.

Time passed and my daughter came along. Always wanting to share Mommy time, she became fascinated with my plaster
painting time. Sure enough I decided that, although about 2,years old, she needed to begin learning crafts. With
plenty of towels to protect both child and furniture, the "one direction" painting classes began. As would be
expected,the paintbrush was drowned in paint and then squiggled all over the plaster item. Many a time she heard
me tell her that just a bit of paint was needed on the tip of the brush and then she was to just move the brush
downward in "one direction" on the plaster. To this day she remembers that guidance of "one direction". Most
likely a good thing as she now has two little munkins of her own. As I came up with the idea that I would enjoy
sharing my hobbies with others, I knew I would need to include opportunities for parents, grandparents and other
members of the childrens' circle to work with their kiddos and teach, as well as learn.

With the creation of this Hobbying Delights webside I looked forward to sharing ideas, products and the enjoyment of
the various hobbies that make up our world. I plan to expand as I gain more experience with website maintenance
and look forward to learning from you as to what hobbies can be learned and shared with others around the world.
Thank you for visiting Hobbying Delights!!


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